Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held via MS Teams on Wednesday 6th September, 2023.
Chairman: Councillor C. Powell
Councillors: T. Evans, C. Jones
County Councillor A. Davies
The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies
Councillor J. Evans, Councillor L. Jones
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct.
3. Declaration of Interest
Councillor T. Evans – Llansadwrn Reading Room
County Councillor A. Davies – Cornwallis
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
Councillor T. Evans reported that the Reading Room Committee had intended meeting in July, but this had been changed to meeting in September. Unfortunately, the Accounts had not been presented due to a health issue with the Treasurer, the Clerk was assured that these would be received by October.
Reading Room Constitution
Councillor T. Evans stated that the present Committee intended forming a Junior Section and asked the Clerk if there was information available to assist. Further information was also required regarding the Public Trustee Act 1906 and also the role and responsibility of a ‘Custodian Trustee’. Members of the Reading Room had read through the present constitution and required this information.
Brownhill Junction
Nothing to report.
8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
Awaiting the annual inspection by Carmarthenshire County Council.
8 (iii) Web Site
Nothing to report.
Highway Issues
Pot holes continued to be an issue.
8 (5) Memorial Monument Steps
Nothing further to discuss, the steps had been removed by person/persons unknown.
8 (14) Biodiversity Report
This had now been completed.
Red Telephone Kiosk
This would be discussed in November whilst discussing the budget for 2024/2025.
8 (e) Co-option of members
Two requests for co-option had been received – Mr Hugh Evans, Brynmarlais and Mr Winston Davies, Cambrian House. The requests were discussed and it was agreed to invite both to be co-opted as members. The Clerk to send the necessary paperwork with the minutes of the next meeting.
8 (f) Litter bin for dog mess
A request had been received for an extra Litter Bin near the Community Field as there was a substantial amount of “dog mess” being left on the road. This was discussed, Carmarthenshire County Council were organising a survey of all litter/dog mess bins at the moment due to budget they did not intend purchasing/placing new litter bins. Requests were being placed on a waiting list. This was discussed further and Councillor T. Evans agreed that the Reading Room Committee would ask the local children to prepare posters.
5. Correspondence
(1) SLCC/OVW joint conference
(2) Carmarthenshire County Council – minor work framework meetings
(3) Save our Wild Isles Community Fund
(4) Code of Conduct Training
(5) 20 mph’s plenty webinar
(6) Carmarthenshire County Council updates
(7) OVW Climate change/nature action guide
(8) Consultation – Audit Fee scale
6. Reports
(a) Report from County Councillor
(i) An Electric Car Scheme was available – on line form to complete
(ii) Public Toilets Consultation
(b) Report from Cornwallis Liaison
Absent from the meeting.
7. Finance
(a) Payments
HMRC had incorrectly paid £1,537.49 into the Llansadwrn Community Council Business Reserve Account. This sum of money to be paid to HMRC
(b) Donations
No requests received.
Audit update 2022/2023
Nothing to report.
IRP Payments
No claims had been made, and the necessary paperwork had been sent to the IRP
Money received
A precept payment of £2,333.33 up to the month of August had been received
A VAT refund of £1,529.95 had been received and paid into the Business Account. It would be necessary to transfer this money into the Current Account.
(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
It was discussed and agreed that these would be sent to Councillor C. Jones for signature.
(b) Budgets 2023/2024
This to be discussed at the November meeting.
8. Any other business
(g) Llansadwrn Show
It was reported that this had been a very successful show, due to the hard work of members.
9. Date of next meeting
The next virtual meeting would be held on Wednesday 4th October, 2023, the Clerk to send a link at 7.25 p.m.