July 2023


Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held via MS Teams on Wednesday 5th July, 2023 at 7.30 p.m.

Chairman: Councillor C. Powell
Councillors: L. Jones, C. Jones, T. Evans

The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1. Apologies
Councillor J. Evans, Councillor L. Rowlands, County Councillor A. Davies

2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest
Councillor T. Evans – Llansadwrn Reading Room

4. Matters arising from the minutes:

4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
Councillor T. Evans reported that three new people had joined the Reading Room Committee and one person had resigned. The Accounts had been sent to the Accountant and the paperwork completed. The Clerk had received notification from the Charity Commission that the Accounts would be required at the latest by the end of October. The Committee were looking at developing a junior section, the committee to decide on the terms and conditions.

The constitution was discussed and the role of the Community Councillors.

With reference to the filing cabinet and old Maps, there was no room in the Reading Room to store these items, it was discussed and agreed to give the filing cabinet to the County Council.

Brownhill Junction
Nothing to report.

8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
Awaiting annual inspection.

8 (iii) Web Site
Nothing to report.

Highway issues
Pot holes were continuing to be a problem.

8 (5) Memorial Monument Steps
Someone/some people had already started to remove the cement on the steps.

8 (14) Biodiversity report
This was being prepared by the Clerk and copies sent to everyone before it was placed on the website.

Red Telephone kiosk
Nothing to report.

8 (3) Community Field Furniture
It was discussed and agreed that this would be removed from the Agenda.

5. Correspondence
(i) Introduction to 20 m.p.h. (objections)
(ii) Work on Llandeilo Bridge
(iii) Hywel Dda – Survey on Service experience
(iv) Carmarthenshire County Council latest news
(v) Carmarthenshire County Council Area Committee meeting
(vi) Invitation (webinar) – preparing for 20 m.p.h.
(vii) OVW – Revised Standing Orders
(viii) Keep Wales Tidy – free garden packs
(ix) Wales Connectivity Survey

6. Reports

(a) Report from County Councillor
Absent from the meeting

(b) Report from Cornwallis Liaison
Absent from the meeting

7. Finance

(a) Payments
Clerks Wages – £554.00 (includes translations, broadband, stamps)
HMRC – £122.00
Bunting – £36.48

(b) Donations
Llansadwrn Show – £400.00

Audit update
No information received.

IRP Expenses
Information had been sent to everyone.

(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bankstatements
These to be sent to Councillor C. Jones with the next minutes.

(b) Budgets – 2023/2024
To be discussed.

8. Any other business

(a) Grass cutting Community Field
A request had been received that when cutting the grass not to cut so near the hedge, also if it could be cut only when necessary to reduce the number of cuts. Councillor L. Jones agreed to meet Colin Darman on site to discuss the border around the field. With reference to reduce the number of cuts it was agreed that this was not possible due to events being held on the field.

(b) Standing Orders
The rule regarding remote holding remote meetings needed to be added to the Standing Orders. Copies of the addition to be sent with the minutes.

(c) Archive of paperwork
The Clerk has an appointment with the Archive Office, copies of the minutes will held by the Archive Office. They do not accept any accounting paperwork as Invoices only need to be kept for 6 years following the date of payment.

(d) Llansadwrn Show
Everyone was reminded about Llansadwrn Show to be held on 2nd September. The Clerk to arrange for the Community Field to be cut before the Show.

9. Date of next meeting
The next virtual meeting would be held on 6th September, 2023, the Clerk to send the link at 7.25 p.m.