Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room, Llansadwrn on Monday 2nd September, 2024
The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Chairman:Councillor C. Powell
Councillors:W. Davies, L. Rowlands
The meeting went ahead with only 3 members, as we were not a quorate issues could be discussed but not passed.
County Councillor A. Davies, Councillor C. Jones, Councillor H. Evans
2.Minutes of the previous meeting and matters that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes accepted as correct.
3.Declaration of Interest
Councillor L. Rowlands – Cornwallis and Llansadwrn Reading Room
4.Matters arising from the minutes:
4.2Llansadwrn Reading Room
A copy of the Reading Room balance sheet had been received, therefore the Charity Commission request form could be completed. A copy of the Balance Sheet to be sent to the Trustees.
8.Brownhill Junction
No further updates received.
8 (1)Llansadwrn Play Area
Councillor L. Rowlands was continuing to inspect the Play Area, but there were no issues.
8 (iii)Web Site
Nothing to report.
8 (2)Highway issues
A telephone/electrical pole had been replaced and the pole left on the Community Field. The Clerk to enquire to have the pole removed.
Red Telephone Kiosk
This was ongoing
8 (5)Green GEN Cymru
Green GEN had received a licence regarding Compulsory Purchase giving them permission to enter on the land in question.
8 (6)Co-option
The Chairman possibly had received information from a person interested in co-option.
(1)Carmarthenshire County Council planning consultation – PL/08019 – extension and alterations to dwelling – Trem y Fan, Llansadwrn SA19 8HL
(2)Carmarthenshire County Council area meeting 17th July,2024
(3)Mayor/Chair networking meeting
(4)Road Services Seminar
(5)Community Transport Consultation
(6)Regional Transport Survey
(7)One Voice Wales Digital user
(8)One Voice Wales training dates
(9)Launch “pethau bach” Llandovery
(10)One Voice Wales – free Garden pack
(11)Road Closure C2169
(12)Carmarthenshire County Council revised LDP
(13)Carmarthenshire County Council updates
(14)One Voice Wales training dates September
One Voice Wales – Tenovus Cancer Care
One Voice Wales – member of Defib Circuit
One Voice Wales – 6 months attendance rule
(a)Report from County Councillor
Absent from the meeting.
(b)Report from Cornwallis Liaison
A pre-planning Application had been prepared, and a meeting was being held with Bro Myrddin next Monday regarding 10 units (pre-fabs) by the school classrooms. Jonathan Hughes, Cwmpas, was giving support and guidance. The Planning Application would be the responsibility of Bro Myrddin.
No invoices to pay.
No requests received.
(b)Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
These to be prepared on receipt of Bank Statements
(b)Budget 2025/2026
The Clerk had prepared a Budget Report and copies given to every member. The Community Council had spent all the reserves, therefore the Precept would need to be increased considerably. Members to note from the report the expenditure for 2024/2025 which would assist with deciding on the Precept. This to be discussed and agreed by the November meeting.
Audit 2023/2024
No information received todate.
Bank Signatures
The Mandates had now been completed and Councillor C. Jones and Councillor L. Rowlands were now two new signatories. The next step would be to delete the two signatories that had resigned.
8.Any other business
8 (7)Entrance to the Community Field
A request was made for a Dog Waste Bin for the Community Field.
9.Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be held at 7.00 p.m. on the 2nd of October, 2024 via MS Teams. The Clerk to send a link at 6.50 p.m.