Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held via MS Teams on Wednesday 6th March, 2024.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Chairman: Councillor C. Powell
Councillors: C. Jones, T. Evans, L. Rowlands, W. Davies, H. Evans
1. Apologies
Councillor L. Jones, Councillor J. Evans
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct on correction of the following:
Reading Room
The minute stated that “a Pleasure Group, a group would meet and sing together”, it was agreed to amend this to read “a singing for pleasure group”.
3. Declarations of Interest
Llansadwrn Reading Room – Councillor T. Evans, L. Rowlands
Cornwallis – County Councillor A. Davies, Councillor L. Rowlands
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
A meeting was being held tomorrow, and also set a date for the Annual General Meeting. There were many groups using the Reading Room and hopefully a bowling group would be organised. The tables in the Reading Room were very heavy and the clips underneath the tables could be safety issues, this would be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.
Brownhill Junction
SWTRA have acknowledged our letter and would reply within 15 days. No reply had been received from the Commemorative Woodland.
8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
Nothing to report.
8 (iii) Web Site
Nothing to report.
8. Highway Issues
(a) There were large pot holes by Pantybryn, due to the road closure at Llanwrda more heavy traffic were using the small roads.
(b) Welsh Water have asked to close the road in Siloh, and the road in Llanwrda is already closed, signs have not been put in place to date.
Red Telephone Kiosk
The Telephone Kiosk is covered for public liability but regular risk assessments will need to be completed. When work in the kiosk has been completed the insurance does not cover theft, vandalism, etc. to any equipment, goods, etc. placed in the kiosk. Councillor L. Rowlands had received the required number of quotes for the timber and the paint. Ways of payment were discussed and advised.
8 (3) Volunteers in the Community
Nothing to report.
8 (7) D Day Flag – June, 2024
It was agreed to purchase a D Day Flag.
5. Correspondence
(1) Carmarthenshire County Council updates
(2) Modernising Education Programme
(3) D Day Flag
(4) Kings Portrait
(5) One Voice Wales – Sustainable appraisal – habitat
(6) Carmarthenshire County Council – Closing re-cycling glass bins
(7) Carmarthenshire County Council – PRoW Project
(8) National Forest of Wales grants
(9) One Voice Wales – Cost of living crisis
(10) IRP consultation
(11) Polling Stations review
6. Reports
(a) Report from County Councillor
(1) A five year Capital Programme had been approved and a list of where the money was allocated – £193million investment
(2) Council Tax to be increased by 7.5%.
(b) Report from Cornwallis liaison
An open day meeting was going to held regarding the development of houses, plans from Bro Myrddin Housing – possibly 10 affordable units.
7. Finance
(a) Payments
H B Enoch & Owen (Payroll) – £58.80
Wales Audit Office (2021-2022) – £756.00 (full audit)
Wales Audit Office (2020-2021) – £286.00
(b) Donations
Requests from: Marie Curie, Menter Bro Dinefwr, Carmarthenshire all Wales Ploughing championships, Adran Llyn y Fan
Following a discussion, it was agreed to give a donation of £50.00 to Adran Llyn y Fan
(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
These to be signed at the April meeting, depending on receipt of bank statements
(b) Budget – 2024/2025
To be updated at the September meeting.
IRP payments
To be discussed at the AGM
Bank Signature
This was on going.
On line banking
The Clerk was asked to enquire regarding online banking for Community Councils.
8. Any other business
8 (4) Kings Portrait
This to be discussed at the next meeting of Llansadwrn Reading Room Committee.
8 (5) Carmarthenshire County Council – ProW Project
The clearing of footpaths with assistance from volunteers was being organised by Carmarthenshire County Council PRoW.
Councillor C. Jones reported that the PRoW had been inspecting the bridge and footpaths near Brynheulog.
8 (6) National Forest of Wales (Tiny Forest grants)
Information had been received regarding funding available for small tree planting projects.
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 3rd April, 2024. The Clerk to send the MS Teams link at 7.25 p.m.