February 2024


Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held via MS Teams on Wednesday 7th February, 2024.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Chairman: Councillor C. Powell
Councillors: C. Jones, T. Evans, Winston Davies, H. Evans
County Councillor A. Davies

1. Apologies
Councillor L. Jones, Councillor L. Rowlands, Councillor J. Evans

2. Miinutes of the previous meeting and matters that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct, on correction of the following:
8. Community Field
Because the meeting closed down suddenly it was necessary to confirm that it had been agreed not to start giving/selling parts of the Community Field.

3. Declarations of Interest
Llansadwrn Reading Room – Councillor T. Evans
Cornwallis – Councillor A. Davies

4. Matters arising from the minutes:

4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
The Reading Room Committee had met on Monday to set a date for the Annual General Meeting, unfortunately there was an issue with the Electric Tariff and this would need to be dealt with before the next meeting. The Accounts will be signed at the Annual General Meeting. An addition to the programme would be a Pleasure Group, a group that would meet and sing together. A safeguarding policy was being prepared for the Junior section. The cost of renting the Reading Room would be increased in April, and for societies it would be a limit of £25.00. This would bring in extra revenue. A Xmas Fayre would be held with one of the Stalls being handmade crafts, etc. It was early to organise now but it would give everyone a chance to make goods/items for their Stall by November.

As already confirmed in the previous meeting, Mr P. Howells, historian, would speak about D Day during the month of June and this would be held at the Reading Room.

Brownhill Junction
A lengthy discussion followed regarding the safety of the junction at Brownhill, and it was decided finally to ask the Clerk to arrange a site meeting with SWTRA and members of the new Commemorative Woodland near Brownhill. When the work on the Woodland is complete it would increase the amount of traffic in the area. The County Councillor would attend and any members of the Community Council, once dates were received the Clerk would be in contact.

8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
The inspection report had been received from Carmarthenshire County Council and copies sent to everyone.

8 (iii) Web Site
Nothing to report.

Highway Issues
It was agreed to report the following issues:
(a) Llanwrda to Lampeter road A482 junction to Llansadwrn (Heol y Gelli) dangerous overhanging tree at Junction.
(b) Blocked culvert between Maesrhiw Farm, Llansadwrn, SA19 8HS and Cwmeilath Llansadwrn C2172
(c) Blocked culvert and potholes between Pantybryn Farm, Llansadwrn SA19 8HD and Nantrhogfaen U4065.

Red Telephone Kiosk
It was discussed and agreed at the meeting to inform Councillor L. Rowlands to proceed with the work in the Kiosk. Three quotes for the paint and timber would be required, also, a purchase invoice made out in the name of the Community Council would be required in order that a cheque could be raised by the Community Council and not by individuals.

D Day Celebrations June 2024
This item is now part of the Reading Room on the Agenda.

8 (3) Volunteers in the Community
Copies of the reply received from the Insurance Company had been included with the minutes of the previous meeting.

5. Correspondence
(1) Carmarthenshire County Council update
(2) Carmarthenshire County Council polling stations review
(3) OVW – joint meeting with planning aid Wales
(4) Carmarthenshire County Council Forum meeting
(5) Ysgol Rhys Pritchard – school governor
(6) One Voice Wales Area meeting
(7) Older People’s Commissioner – Digital inclusion for older people
(8) Audit Wales – Fee Scheme

6. Reports

(a) Report from County Councillor
(a) Hwb in Carmarthen has moved to Catherine Street
(b) Photo ID will be required for elections (police)
(c) Illegal dog breeding in Carmarthen

(b) Report from Cornwallis Liaison
Nothing to report.

7. Finance

(a) Payments
Colin Darman – £1,080.00
Carmarthenshire County Council – £96.00 (play area inspection)

(b) Donations
A request from Adran Llyn y Fan – copy of letter to be sent with next minutes

(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
To be signed at the March meeting.

(b) Budget 2024/2025
The budget had already been agreed and would be updated in September.

IRP payments
To be discussed at the May meeting.

Bank Signature
It had been agreed previously that Councillor C. Powell be added to the list. The Clerk to obtain the necessary paperwork.

8. Any other business
Nothing to report.

9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 6th March, 2024, the Clerk to send the MS Teams link.