April 2023


Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room, Llansadwrn on Wednesday 5th April, 2023.

Chairman: Councillor C. Jones
Councillors: L. Jones, L. Rowlands

1. Apologies
County Councillor A. Davies, Councillor T. Evans
Councillor C. Eady had sent her resignation as a member, a thank you note to be sent for her contribution whilst a member of the Community Council.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest
Councillor L. Rowlands – Cornwallis, Reading Room.

4.2 Reading Room
Nothing to report.

Brownhill Junction
A volunteer planting event had been arranged and the details sent to everyone.

8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
The Play Area was not being inspected at present, but a lot of new work had been carried out following the inspection by Sutcliffe.

8 (iii) Web Site
The Clerk to obtain quotes by the next meeting.

Highway Issues
Potholes were continuing to be an issue with repairs not being carried out.

8 (5) Memorial monument steps
The Clerk had contacted Carmarthenshire County Council and they confirmed that a formal planning application would be required. Councillor L. Rowlands had a photo of the steps as they looked many years ago, a copy of the photograph to be sent to the Clerk.

8 (11) Kings Coronation event
This to be removed from the Agenda as the event was not being organised by the Community Council.

8 (12) Community Field grass cutting contract
A notice had been placed on the website. A quote of £116.64 had been received from Post Datum in order to place the advert for tender, it was agreed to accept the quote with the closing date being 31st May, 2023.

8 (12) CCC – review of Community/Town Councils
Copies of the review had been sent to everyone.

8 (14) Biodiversity Report
This would need to be completed by the end of the financial year.

5. Correspondence
(1) White Paper Electoral reform
(2) One Voice Wales – Code of Conduct ethical standards
(3) One Voice Wales – Digital Health for Community Councils
(4) One Voice Wales – Biodiversity Planning Policy
(5) National Forest Funding
(6) Carmarthenshire County Council latest news
(7) Volunteer Planting events at Brownhill
(8) One Voice Wales Training dates

6. Reports

(a) Report from County Councillor
Absent from the meeting.
(b) Report from Cornwallis Liaison
No meetings have been held.

7. Finance
Clerks Wages – £554 (salary £520, Translations £90, Stamps £30, Telephone/broadband £36
HMRC – £122.00
CCC – Election charges £161.66
CCC – Footway charges £733.57
Postdatum – £116.64
BHIB Insurance – £633.04

A request had been received from Llangollen Eisteddfod, it has been agreed that donations would only be given to local organisations/charities, etc.

(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bankstatements
These to be signed at the May meeting.

(b) Budgets – 2023/2024
The budget had already been agreed and would be re-discussed at the September meeting.

(c) Finance and Governance Tool Kit
A final report to be prepared by the next meeting and copies to be sent to Councillor C. Jones and Councillor L. Jones. This would also include the Training Template.
(d) Training Template
Already discussed with minute (c) above.

8. Any other business

8 (15) Llandovery Urdd Eisteddfod
The Clerk was asked to order bunting in preparation for the Eisteddfod, which would be distributed to households within the village.

9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be held 3rd May, 2023, the Annual General Meeting followed by the ordinary meeting.