Minutes of the virtual MS Teams meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held on Wednesday 1st March, 2023.
Chairman: Councillor C. Jones
Councillors: L. Jones, T. Evans, C. Powell, J. Evans
1. Apologies
County Councillor A. Davies
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct.
3. Declaration of Interest
Councillor T. Evans – Reading Room, Gardd Gymunedol Llansadwrn
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
4.2 Reading Room
No meeting held recently. Councillor T. Evans confirmed that the Accounts for 2022 were being prepared, changing bank signatures had been time consuming.
Brownhill Junction
Nothing to report.
8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
The Play Area was not being inspected at the moment. A litter pick was being organised. There is no Litter Bin in the Play Area and people using the play equipment or visiting the play area were not taking their litter home.
8 (iii) Web Site
A request had been received from the National Trust asking us to remove the information regarding Aberdeunant from the list of attractions as it is no longer open to the public.
Highway issues
Pot holes were continuing to be an on going problem, everyone should try and report these issues on line.
8 (5) Memorial monument steps
Following several emails to the War Memorial Trust, their final response was to contact Carmarthenshire County Council to enquire about planning permission to carry out the work. The steps didn’t seem to be within the Railings.
8 (10) Llansadwrn Show Committee
This to be removed from the Agenda.
8 (11) Kings Coronation Event
A deposit had been paid for the hire of the Marquee.
8 (12) Community Field/Play Area grass cutting contract
A draft Notice had been prepared by the Clerk, this would now be placed on the website and in Post Datum.
5. Correspondence
1. Carmarthenshire County Council – planning consultation PL/05308 – Pantypistyll, Llansadwrn – change of siting of biomass boiler
2. One Voice Wales – defibrillator census
3. OVW – Open-air Education system
4. Hywel Dda – latest news
5. New hospital site consultation
6. One Voice Wales – training survey
7. CCC – LDP Plan
8. CCC – shared prosperity fund
9. CCC – scrutiny committee – any issues
10. IRP – report
11. Thank you for 20 mph – Rod King
12. Buckingham Palace Garden Party
13. National Woodlands liaison
14. CHCC – Llais
15. YNH – acknowledgement receipt
16. Petition – Bute Energy
6. Reports
(a) Report from County Councillor
Absent from the meeting
(b) Report from Cornwallis Liaison
Absent from the meeting
7. Finance
(a) Payments
Colin Darman – £850.00
One Voice Wales membership – £87.00
(b) Donations
Two requests for donations have been received.
Ysgol Gynradd Llangadog – donation towards expenses for items needed for the Urdd Eisteddfod at Llandovery – this was discussed and a donation of £50.00 was agreed.
Adran Llyn y Fan – donation towards the running costs of the Urdd Adran – this was discussed and a donation of £50.00 was agreed.
Audit update – 2021/2022 – completion of Audit
Llansadwrn Community Council had a full Audit and below is the Auditor General’s Report:
Audit Opinion – Qualified
Except for the matters reported below in my Basis for Qualification, on the basis of my review, in my opinion no matters have come to my attention giving cause for concern that in my material respect, the information reported in this Annual Return.
Basis for Qualification
Accounting Statement
In my opinion the Accounting Statement does not properly present the Council’s receipts and payment for the year and its financial position at the 31st March.
The Council does not prepare the accounts in accordance with proper accounting practice and adjusts its payments for unpresented cheques at the year end. The Accounting Statement should record:
There are no further matters or recommendations that I wish to draw to the Council’s attention.
(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
To be signed at the May meeting.
(b) Budgets 2023/2024
Already agreed, to be reviewed at the September meeting.
(c) Finance and Governance Tool Kit
To be completed at the next meeting.
(d) Training Template
To be completed at the next meeting.
8. Any other business
8 (13) Carmarthenshire County Council – review of Community Councils
The following will be considered:
The number of members of the council for the community
Its division into wards (if appropriate) for the purposes of the election of councillors
The number of boundaries of any wards
The name of the ward
Further details will be sent to everyone for the consultation between 13th March, 2023 and 24th April, 2023.
8 (14) One Voice Wales – The Biodiversity and Resilience of Ecosystems Duty
A report needs to be prepared and placed on the web site.
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 5th April, 2023.