Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room Llansadwrn on Wednesday 4th April, 2018.
Chairman: Counc. L. Jones
Councillors: C. Hudson, J. Couch, C. Powell, H. Davies, J. A. Evans
1. Apologies:
County Counc. A.Davies, Counc. C. Jones
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct.
3. Declaration of Interest
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
Nothing to report. The Clerk to contact the Chairman.
8 (c) Speed Restrictions
On going.
Brownhill Junction
Counc. J. Couch reported that the owners were away until the summer.
8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
The Clerk had not recently been in contact with Mrs. P. George, it was important that the trees were cut as soon as possible.
The cutting of the grass was discussed at length, as the Public Liability was continuing to be an issue. The amount of work to be carried out did not warrant paying Insurance. This issue was discussed at length, and it was agreed that the Clerk to make further enquiries by the next meeting.
Painting war memorial railings
8 (iii) Web site
Ms Lyndsey Maiden (We Dig Media Ltd.) had been in contact with Counc. J. Couch and confirmed that We Dig Media accepted the Draft Contract. The Clerk to send a further copy to be signed and include a copy of the Statutory Guidance – Access to information on Community and Town Councils.
A further letter of support had been received from Llansadwrn Spinners and Weavers, the Clerk to contact the remaining organisations that not replied.
8 (2) Highway Issues
Work had been carried out and the potholes had been filled, although there was a further pothole near Pantybryn. The Clerk to contact Carmarthenshire County Council.
8 (5) Overhanging trees – Lampeter Road
The County Councillor had sent a message stating that the issues had been assessed and will be dealt with if needed.
8 (6) Square and Compass Llangadog
The County Councillor had sent a message stating that the issues had been assessed and will be dealt with if needed.
Community Field
The entrance to the Community Field had been discussed at a previous meeting. It was discussed again and the possibility of placing stones on the entrance to the field would be discussed at the next meeting of the Show Committee.
There was water/mud on the path near the Churchyard maybe stones could be placed there at some point in order to improve the area
5. Correspondence
(a) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning application consultation E/36996 – Mr Graham Craig, Brynhyfryd – Conversion of existing out building into wood fire oven for commercial use.
(b) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning application consultation E/36908 – Mr David Richards, Ashfield Farm – Proposed new nutrient store lagoon
(c) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning application consultation E/36907 – Mr Richard and Mrs Margaret Foot – re-submission change of use of redundant farm office into storage
(d) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning application consultation E/36997 – Mr & Mrs N. Winder, Berllan Fach – double storey extension
(e) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning application consultation E/36920 – E & C Thomas, Bwlchygwynt – Convert vacant stone built barn into holiday let
(f) Llansadwrn Spinners and Weavers Group – support letter for defibrillator
(g) Hywel Dda NHS – Consultation meeting for community councillors 25 April, 2018 – Counc. J. Couch agreed to attend.
(h) WAG – tackling plastic problems – using the tax system
(i) Clerks and Councils Direct magazine
(j) One Voice Wales
Annual Conference
Fields in Trust – Active Spaces Grant Programme
Strengthening Local Government
Community and Town Council Review
(k) Bobath Children’s appeal
6. Reports
7. Payments and Donations
Clerks Wages – £200.00
Clerks Expenses – £59.36
HMRC – £50.00
Carnival Committee – Big Lunch Saturday 14th July, 2018 – it was agreed to give a donation of £500.00 under section S137. Such an event would bring the whole community of the village of Llansadwrn together.
A letter of appeal had been received from Cornwallis Almshouse Trust – it was discussed and agreed that under section S137 such a donation would not benefit the community of Llansadwrn.
(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
These to be signed at the May meeting.
(b) Budgets 2017/2018
Updated by May meeting.
(c) Budgets 2018/2019
Draft copies had been distributed to everyone and this to be discussed at the next meeting.
8. Any other business
Salt bins
The Clerk to request a Salt Bin from Carmarthenshire County Council in preparation for next winter.
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 2nd May, 2018. The Annual General Meeting and the ordinary meeting would follow.