May 2018 Community Council Minutes


Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room Llansadwrn on Wednesday 2nd May, 2018.

Chairman: Counc. J. Evans
Councillors: C. Hudson, L. Jones. J. Couch, H. Davies, C. Powell, J. M. Davies
County Councillor A. Davies

1. Apologies
Counc. C. Jones

2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest

4. Matters arising from the minutes:

4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
The Discretionary Top-up Relief form for the rates had been received from Carmarthenshire County Council and the amount payable was nil. As trustees of the Reading Room the Charity Commission returns form was to be completed. A copy of the balance sheet had been received and the balance to date Current Account £2,373.15. Business savings account £11,260.03.  The minutes of the previous meetings had not been received, the Clerk to write to the Chairman. Also, asking for a letter of support regarding the grant for a Defibrillator.

8 (c) Speed Restrictions
Nothing to report.

Brownhill junction
Nothing to report until the summer.

8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
The Clerk had been in contact with Mrs. P. George regarding the cutting of the hedge, the land was in the process of being sold. Counc. C. Hudson had contacted Mr Colin Darman regarding cutting the grass of the Play Area, he agreed at a cost of £350.00. The Clerk to write a letter of confirmation to Mr Darman.

Maintenance of War Memorial
The Clerk to obtain three quotes from local Monumental Masons.

8 (iii) Web Site
The contract had been sent to We Dig Media, once it has been signed work on a new web site could commence.

Defibrillator – Grant Awards for All
No further letters of support received, the Clerk to contact organisations that had not answered our request.

8 (2) Highway issues
Nothing to report.

There were new highway issues, the drains were blocked between the Community Field and The Sextons, possibly a new drain is required.

The pot holes continue to be an issue, they are not been filled correctly.

5. Correspondence
(a) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning consultation E/37079 – Mr & Mrs Bourns, Trem y Bannau – Conservatory extension to rear elevation
(a) Independent Review Panel on Community and Town Councils – a “pop-in” session was requested to be held at the Reading Room Llansadwrn on the 24th May, 2018. Counc. L. Jones and the Clerk to attend.
(b) New DATA protection regulations – Community Councils were exempt
(c) National Pay agreement for Council Clerks
(d) Primary Care in Wales
(e) Carmarthenshire County Council – Events support fund
(f) One Voice Wales area meeting
(g) Hywel Dda consultation – questionnaires for completion were distributed.
(h) Clerks and Councils Direct Magazine
(i) Cruse Bereavement – thank you for donation

6. Reports
Counc. J. Couch had attended the consultation meeting organised by Hywel Dda NHS. If plans go ahead as discussed there will be a new hospital possibly at Narberth/St Clears or Haverfordwest. This was only a consultation there is a lot of work and research to be carried out before any plans are definite. There was a problem getting specialised doctors/specialists with so many smaller hospital, therefore one major hospital possibly would make it easier to employ these people. Llandovery would stay open with small changes to some of the areas/departments, Bronglais would stay as it is at the moment. Almost 40% of hospital beds are blocked, by having one specialised hospital and a few smaller hospitals for less major surgery would ease the present problem. 

County Councillor Report
There had been an issue with the Blue Bin Bags.  
The “for sale” cars on Llangadog roundabout had been reported and they had been moved, but apparently they had now been moved to further up the side road.

7. Payments
Llansadwrn Carnival – £500.00
Carmarthenshire County Council (election costs) – £1,146.17
BHIB Insurance – £536.27

The donation request from Cornwallis Almshouse Trust was discussed. The state and work involved with the main House was discussed at length, there were indications that there was good news regarding moving forward.

A letter had been received from the Carnival Committee requesting a donation towards the Annual Big Lunch in July. It was agreed to give a donation of £500.00

(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
These to be signed at the June meeting.

(b) Budget – 2018/2019
Work on the community field to be added to the Budget – approx.. costs £1,000.00
Work to be carried out on the Monument – approx.. £1,500.00

A precept payment of £2,000.00 had been received for the first quarter.

8. Any other business

Entrance to Community Field
Work was needed to be carried out and after discussion it was agreed that we obtain 3 quotes. Counc. C. Hudson to approach (a) Robert Brown (b) Huw Evans (c) the Clerk to obtain a quote.

It was discussed briefly that more “light” was needed on the Community Field but no definite decision has been made.

9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 6th June, 2018.