The local Rivers Trust is organising a couple of events on our lovely rivers.
Please contact Nathaniel Project Officer West Wales Rivers Trust Phone: 07780303533 Email: nathaniel@westwalesriverstrust.org to find out more.
If there is anyone else you know that would be interested in attending these dates. Please feel free to forward details. Just please let Nathaniel know in advance if you are interested in attending any of these events and he will forward more specific details, meeting times/locations, and routes.
Marlais Walkover – 27th January We hope to have a great turnout for this day within the local community. We have already identified some fish passage opportunities however more may present themselves along with any other habitat and water quality issues. We would like to host a lunch during this event and make a good day out of it.
Sawdde Walkover – 3rd FebruaryThis will continue on previous walkovers in 2021, continuing along Sawdde and its tributaries. There has been a lot of fly-tipping already identified in our previous walkovers, so we will collect as we walk!
Llangadog Bran – 4th or 5th February (Depending on availability)We were unable to walk Llangadog Bran in 2021, so it will be great to get out on the banks of this tributary in 2022.
Fly-tipping bank side litter pick Llanwrda Dulais – 10th February We have identified some fly-tipping and build-up of trash along a tributary of Dulais. We would like to get a team together to tackle clearing some of this before it works its way downstream. We will supply safety equipment and a plan of action and disposal.
We will have more events and dates in March. TBC
Once again, thank you for your continued support as Adoptees. It would be great to hear if there is anything you have noticed on your local rivers & streams over this winter.