Local artists James and Tilla Waters join 38 other talents in Carmarthenshire on the creative Tywi Trail
A host of local workshops are available to join over the next few weeks. Not only can you have a go at bead making or life drawing in workshops (and everything in between) you can also observe artists in their native habitat.
A wealth of talent
Included in the list are our very local artists James and Tilla Waters who make stunning ceramic art for sale around the country. Within the website you will see a variety of trails you can follow to see different artists at their home studios. You can see a full list of local activities in the guide.
There are four studios south of Llangadog – Jacob Buckland, painter, Claire Spencer, printmaker, Clare Misselbrook, eco-artist & Carole Spackman, potter…there are yet more north of Llangadog. Follow yellow direction signs to find them all.