It is a great relief and with delight to hear Vicar Viv is progressing quietly on the road to recovery after her nine month battle with long covid. She hopes to make a gently phased return to work, guided by Occupational Health.
Meantime, services continue on a fortnightly basis, Holy Communion alternated with a half hour service of Morning Prayer. Times vary according to availability of clergy, so please look out for notices on the church gates, a few days beforehand
Meantime Vestry Venture will be re-starting on Tuesday 14th September, 2.30pm – 5.00pm.
All ages are most welcome, be it just to dip in for a ten minute link up, an hour’s chat or simply to say hello over a cuppa. If you know of someone new to the area who might value a chance to meet others living locally, please invite them along.
For further details of either of the above, please contact Jane on 01550 777302, or via e-mail
Hi Lyndsey: it has just been pointed out to me that the church/vestry venture articles are out of date and need amending, namely that
– services are currently at 9.30 while we await the arrival of our new Vicar, Dr Mark Rowlands, in June, when service times are likely to be amended.
– Vestry Venture is now 3 until 5pm on a Monday, open during school terms but not during school or bank holidays
Sorry to make more work for you – so if I can do any of that from this end, just say the word
Jane xx