One thought on “Planning Application – E/38759”

  1. Rob Morse

    Hello Joy. I have sent you [below] comments I have sent to Carmarthenshire Council in respect of planning application E/3785. You may find these useful, particularly the second part of [1] which, I believe, could carry risk factors to vehicles, and safety issues for the wider community. Many thanks. Rob [Geryllan]

    My objection to the alteration of previously submitted and agreed plan [E/18750] moving vehicular access from “Heddfryn”, to a private lane to the north of the site is based on [1] safety and [2] a search certificate provided to me by Carmarthenshire Council when I bought my property which is one of the two dwellings on the lane.

    [1] The main door to my house opens directly onto the private lane and I believe any increased traffic would cause a risk to the safety of children in my family and visiting families;

    Also, the lane joins the highway and has restricted viewing access with no splaying of the approach to ease driving onto or off the highway, unlike the already agreed site on plans [E/18750]. Any increased traffic use would significantly increase risk, with vehicles having to reverse back onto the highway to make way for vehicles wishing to join the highway from the lane.

    [2] The above mentioned search certificate [ref. 13000543] clearly indicates that Carmarthenshire Council does not maintain the private lane, and is not subject to adoption. Therefore, the Council, I humbly suggest, has no jurisdiction to grant vehicular access to a new house build, especially when the safer option has already been granted.

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