A Junior Section in The Reading Room

Should we have a Junior Section for Llansadwrn Reading Room?

The Llansadwrn Reading Room Committee is able to set up a Junior Section if this is something of interest to Under 18s in our Community. 

Under 18s cannot become full members of the Committee but could have a valuable role to play in helping us to use the Reading Room for activities or events that they would  like to see happening . 

This is the first step in seeing if there is a need, what kinds of activities they would be interested  in & any other thoughts as to how this might develop. 

It could be a great opportunity to provide something for our young people & increase the use of our Reading Room. 

We would be grateful for everyone’s ideas, under and over 18s ! 

The RR will consider comments  & suggestions  in our next meeting … it will help us find a way make this happen. 

There will be posters & a suggestions box in the Reading Room within the next few days . Alternatively, please let me or other  members of the RR Committee know your thoughts .

Watch this space ! 

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