Recycling Research – please help

Can you help local student Tracey with her research into recycling?

How does knowledge regarding recycling empower individuals to reconnect with their role as a consumer and how they interact with the environment?

This research proposes to gather information on how the local community of Llansadwrn village engage with recycling, and whether an increase in knowledge and understanding of recycling would impact upon personal actions in any way.

The research has started. Firstly, Tracey intends to visit as many homes as possible from the village area to see whether people would agree to be a part of the research.

This research will include agreeing to having your black and blue rubbish bags weighed before collection each week (to see whether there are any changes over time, due to understanding of what can or cannot be recycled), filling out 2 questionnaires (one at the start of the study and another during October/November 2018) and possibly engaging in a small focus group discussion in the spring of 2019, if you would like to.

There will also be a public information meeting in the autumn, date to be confirmed soon, to inform on recycling in this area and answer any questions you may have. It is hoped that this will help you to feel an inclusive part of Tracey’s study and to engage freely with her  on any thoughts you have on this greater subject area.

At the end of this research period, a poster will be developed, using all information gathered related to the questions posed by the informants, which could in the future be utilised by the local authority to provide better amenities and education to the wider community of Wales.

If you would like to take part please download the forms and return to Tracey.

Download the two forms below and fill in and return to Tracey

Informed Consent form-2018

Waste recycling questionnaire Tracey

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