Date(s) - 03/09/2019
12:00 am - 10:00 am
Recycling this week – CHECK COLLECTION DAYS – Christmas bank holidays will impact collections – check the council website to find out when the collection will happen.
Yes put it in…
Paper/Card – Newspaper/magazines, catalogues, telephone directories, junk mail, writing paper, shredded paper, envelopes, food and drink cartons, cereal boxes, cardboard boxes, toilet roll/kitchen roll tubes, egg boxes, ready meal sleeves
Plastic – Plastic bottles, yoghurt pots, margarine tubs, plastic punnets/ready meal trays, plastic coat hangers, plastic film
Metals – Food and drink cans, aerosols, jam jar lids, foil
No leave it out…
Tissues/Kitchen roll, food soaked card, saucepans, scrap metal, plastic bags, polystyrene, wallpaper, paint tins, clothes/shoes, glass, toys, wooden coat hangers, electrical items, video cassettes, CDs/DVDs, garden waste, nappies/sanitary products, pet food pouches/tray.