The following email has been received from the council – it currently mentions two providers but a third is also interested. This is Telecom Networks and their presentation is available to look at
We are also aware a number of us have been unable to access the website to confirm who we would like as our provider – please ensure you contact Ceri on to let the council know – also please make a comment here on the post to let us know.
Also don’t forget that if you didn’t get a chance to register in the first place that does not mean that you are excluded from the scheme, you will still be able to register however you won’t be able to pick the supplier.
Following on from the Broadband Upgrade Fund campaign, you may be aware that suppliers have expressed an interest in your area. To see which suppliers are interested in your area you will need to log in to the portal – Log in | Broadband Upgrade Fund (
You will need to follow the steps after logging in, the choice at the moment is an individual one based on what each provider has put forward as their offer. At this stage there are still no contractual obligations by either party to proceed.
- Broadway Partners have expressed an interest in your area, they have asked that you receive this presentation on their behalf. Please see attached.
For more information please contact –
- Beacons Telecom have also expressed an interest in your area and are offering online meetings for a chance to discuss further. Please see below –
Beacons Telecom would like to invite you to a presentation on their proposal to install a Fibre to the Premise network throughout Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion
1. Beacons Telecom Introduction
2. Areas for installation
3. Beacons Telecom products and services
4. Your choices
5. Broadband Upgrade Fund next steps
Tuesday 5th January 2021 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Link to meeting –
Calendar Notice
Wednesday 6th January 2021 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Link to meeting –
Calendar Notice
Thursday 7th January 2021 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Link to meeting –
Calendar Notice