Minutes October 2019


Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room Llansadwrn on Wednesday 2nd October, 2019.

Chairman: Councillor C. Powell
Councillors: J. Couch, C. M. Jones, L. Jones, J. Evans
County Councillor A. Davies

1. Apologies
Councillor C. Hudson, Councillor T. Evans, Councillor M. Davies

The Clerk had spoken to a member of Councillor M. Davies’ family who had stated that he wished to resign as a member of Llansadwrn Community Council due to ill-health. The Clerk to write an official letter for him to sign, his presence and contribution at meetings would be missed.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest
Councillor J. Couch – (8a) Community Garden
Councillor J. Evans – Cornwallis

4. Matters arising from the minutes:

4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
Graham Craig had requested attending a meeting to discuss climate change, flooding, etc. It was discussed and agreed to ask if he was attending as a member of Llansadwrn Reading Room, and did we need to prepare any information in advance.

An e.mail had been received from Ms Pat Rowlands regarding the Reading Room. It was discussed and agreed that any correspondence regarding the Reading Room should go direct to the Officials as it was necessary for any issues to be discussed by the Committee.
Whilst writing to the Secretary it was agreed to mention placing the Footpath Map back on the wall of the Reading Room.

The Clerk to make further enquiries regarding Insurance cover for Trustees.

8 (c) Speed Restrictions
Nothing to report.

Brownhill Junction
Nothing to report.

8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
An inspection was being carried out by Wicksteed within the next 8-10 weeks.

8 (iii) Web Site
An Invoice had been received from We Dig Media dated 10th September, which stated “Llansadwrn hosting and updating website monthly fee of £40.00 minutes income from the site 2018/2019 was equivalent to £200.00

Williams Brownhill CIO were meeting to discuss our funding application on the 2nd of October.

8 (2) Highway issues
Nothing to report.

8 (a) Gardd Gymunedol Llansadwrn Community Garden
The September report had been received which stated arrangements between GGLlCG and Llansadwrn Church for best utilizing equipment their strimmer was used to cut part of the wildflower meadow in the churchyard. Following GGLlCG policy on disposal the grass cut was taken to a recycling centre. Members who attended the Funding Workshop has been incorporated in a GGLlCG “Toolbox” of information, methods, contacts, etc. Planning for the autumn/winter volunteer programme for plantings, end of year grass cut and hedge trimming has begun.

Information regarding downloading a copy of the Planning Application had been received, this had been completed by an agent and not Llansadwrn Community Council. Advice was being sought and this would be discussed at the next meeting.

Questions had been raised regarding members of the committee receiving copies of the final draft of the lease. There are two representative of the GGLlCG on the Community Council they would be given copies, which they could show to members, therefore it was discussed and agreed that not everyone would need to receive a copy. With reference to the “conditions relating to no lighting of fires and no alcohol” being altered. This was discussed and agreed that it would not be necessary to alter this clause because if the Committee wanted to organise a barbeque, etc. it could be held on the Community Field.

Cornwallis (it was agreed to include this on the Agenda under Reports)
Funding had been received for a feasibility study. They also have strong support from both the Community Health Service and from Almshouse. Everyone welcomed greater involvement and collaboration with the community in Llansadwrn.

8 (b) Road to the new development – Heddfryn
Nothing to report. The Clerk to make enquiries with Carmarthenshire County Council.

8 (d) Light for Community Field
A reply had not been received from Carmarthenshire County Council.

5. Correspondence
(a) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning Consultation E/38834 – Mr E. Thomas and Miss C. Jones, dwelling south of Maesrhiw, Llansadwrn
(b) Carmarthenshire County Council – Pantyfer, Llansadwrn – Miriam Smith and Robert Trundle – Proposed riding area and stable building
(c) Fields in Trust – Brynmor Williams
(d) IRP information

6. Reports
The County Councillor reported the following:
(a) A 6 day order (3 days weather permitting) had been received to close the road by Capel Dewi from the 7th – 10th October. Resurfacing work.
(b) Recycling Amnesty – Llandovery
(c) Ysgol Rhys Pritchard – new school opening 2021
(d) A second meeting of the Urdd Eisteddfod was being held. A sponsored walk had been organised.

7. Payments/Donations

Clerks wages (includes extra duties) – £272.00
Clerks expenses – £59.36
HMRC October/November – £68.00
Wales Audit Office – £182.75
We Dig Media – £336.96

Llansadwrn Churchyard – £250.00
Pwyllgor Apel Eisteddfod yr Urdd Llanymddyfri – £750.00

(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
These to be signed at the November meeting.

(b) Budgets – 2019/2020
To be discussed at the November meeting.

(c) Bank signatures
To avoid everyone having to go to the NatWest branch at Carmarthen. Councillor L. Jones offered the use of her personal computer to carry out this work.

Audit Report
Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights
The Council has failed to publish the above electronically. In future years the Council should ensure that it is published electronically in accordance with the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013, Section 56
Accounting Statement Box 13 – Total borrowings
Box 13 on the Accounting Statement, total borrowings, was left unanswered for 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 on the Annual Return. These boxes should both read N/A.
Minute reference and date of approval
The minute reference and date of approval of the Accounting Statement and the Annual Governance statement is blank. The Council has confirmed that these should read ‘3’ and ‘01/05/2019’
High level of reserves
We note that the Council holds a high level of general reserves, approximate 1.42 times the annual precept for 2018/2019.
The Council should consider the level of general reserves required and consider taking steps to reduce the level of reserves in future years if necessary.
Accounting Statement Box 14 – Trust fund disclosure note
Box 14 on the Accounting Statement, trust funds disclosure note, was left unanswered for 2018/2019 on the Annual Return. The Council has confirmed that it does not act as a sole trustee nor is it responsible for managing trust or assets and so this box should read ‘N/A’

8. Any other business

9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 6th November, 2019
(Councillor C. Jones gave her apologies)