Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held through MS Teams on Wednesday 2nd November, 2022
Chairman: Councillor C. Jones
Councillors: T. Evans, L. Jones, C. Powell
County Councillor A. Davies
The Chairman welcomed Lyndsey Maiden from We Dig Media who had been invited to the meeting to give the Community Council updates regarding the web site.
Paperwork information had been distributed in advance of the meeting giving everyone an opportunity to ask any questions. Lyndsey explained that the web site was being well used, explored and visited on a regular basis. The website was Community based with regular residents’ information, active events, etc. The business directory was not as successful due to COVID but it would be looked at again in the New Year.
Lyndsey was thanked for attending the meeting.
1. Apologies
Councillor C. Eady, Councillor J. Evans, Councillor L. Rowlands
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters that were not included on the Agenda.
Minutes were accepted as correct. It had been agreed to remove Highway Issues from the Agenda but a request to have this reinstated had been received. This was agreed and would be included on the Agenda of the next meeting.
3. Declaration of Interest
Councillor T. Evans – Reading Room, Gardd Gymunedol Llansadwrn
County Councillor A. Davies – Cornwallis
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
4.2 Reading Room
There was a problem with the Toilets and also damp one of the internal walls. The work was being investigated. A lot of Health and Safety work had been carried out, banking issues had been sorted, a smart meter was being installed imminently.
Brownhill Junction
This was ongoing, no replies had been received from the Memorial Woodland at Brownhill, nor SWTRA.
8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
Councillor L. Rowlands had agreed to ensure that the work carried out in the Play Area had been completed, unfortunately there were a few issues. Once these were cleared Sutcliffe would be paid for their work.
8 (iii) Web Site
The contract would be due for renewal in 2023, the Clerk to obtain three quotes. We dig Media, Catch Llandovery and Computers Don’t Bite.
8 (2) Highway Issues
Any issues would be dealt with when any complaints/issues were received.
Councillor L. Jones had spoken to Post Datum regarding a glossy brochure, photographs, etc. would need to be obtained. Ms L. Dennison had agreed to help with advice as and when required. This to be discussed further when deciding the precept.
8 (a) Gardd Gymunedol Llansadwrn Community Garden
Nothing to report.
Red Telephone Kiosk
This was ongoing and nothing to report.
8 (3) Community Field Furniture
Nothing further to report regarding furniture. The Clerk to remind Colin Darman regarding the work of “rolling” on the Community Field.
8 (4) Co-option of one member
A notice had been placed in Post Datum.
5. Correspondence
(a) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning Consultation PL/04921 – Pantypistyll, Llansadwrn – Pods
(b) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning Consultation PL/04822 – Ashfield, Llangadog – Slurry Pit
(no issues or comments were received)
(c) Well being – future generations
(d) CCC – forum meeting
(e) OVW training dates
(f) OVW Area Meeting meetings
(g) Boundary Commission – revised proposals
(h) Poverty Guidance information
(i) OVW News Bulletin
(j) British Legion Poppy Wreath – thank you for donation
6. Reports
(a) Report from County Councillor
(1) 20 m.p.h. to be implemented on very many of the rural roads in September 2023
(2) Warm places – libraries, Ammanford, , Camarthen
(3) Village Hall – closing date 18th November
(4) CCC – £180,000 poverty fund
(5) Year 6 pupils to apply on line
(6) From December 1st – renting homes, rules will change
(7) CCC – claim £200.00, information on their web site
(8) Highway complaints – report issue and then a reference number is given for each job
(9) Twenty two million pounds deficit in CCC budget
(b) Report from Cornwallis Liaison
Absent from the meeting.
7. Finance
Llansadwrn Communty Council had received a donation through Mr Owen Burt – Llansadwrn Carnival Committee of £250.00. The Clerk to send a thank you note.
British Legion Poppy Wreath – £25.00
Sutcliffe (maintenance of equipment) – £2,370.60
No requests
Audit update
The closing date for the Wales Audit Office to return of the 2021/2022 audit had now been extended to the end of January 2023.
(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
To be signed at the February meeting.
(b) Budget – 2023/2024
To be finalised at the January meeting whilst discussing the precept.
(c) Finance and Governance Tool Kit
Copies of Part II to be sent to everyone
(d) Training Template
To be discussed at the January meeting
8. Any other business
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 4th January, 2023