Minutes May

Llansadwrn – Mai 2019


Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room Llansadwrn on Wednesday 1st May, 2019.


Chairman: Counc. C. Powell

Councillors: C. Hudson, J. M. Evans, John Couch, Trish Evans, L. Jones. C. M. Jones

County Councillor Arwel Davies

1. Apologies:

Councillor M. Davies (the Clerk was asked to send a Get Well Card)

2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising that were not included on the Agenda

Minutes accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest


4. Matters arising from the minutes:

4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room

Nothing to report

8 (c) Speed Restrictions

Carmarthenshire County Council had acknowledged receipt of the petition and confirming that County Councillor Arwel Davies has also raised this concern recently. Setting new speed limits does involve the creation of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) which is both lengthy and expensive legal process and it also requires support from the Police who have the role of enforcing speed limits.

The proposal is currently a candidate for potential inclusion within their 2019/2020 Traffic Management programme but pointed out that the number of candidates vying for inclusion within this programme far outstrips the budget available. The plan of a potential speed limit area will be reviewed after Easter.

8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area

The Clerk had contacted Mr N. Brown regarding the road to the play area. It was discussed and agreed to ask Mr Colin Darman to cut the grass and the path leading by the Church.

8 (iii) Web Site

Nothing to report.


The April meeting of Williams Brownhill CIO had been cancelled, therefore there was nothing to report regarding our request for funding. If the Community Council were successful the Clerk was given permission to go ahead and purchase a Defibrillator, which would be placed in the Telephone Kiosk.

8 (2) Highway issues

Nothing to report.

8 (a) Gardd Gymunedol Llansadwrn Community Garden

A report had been received stating:

A session involving potting up of various types of seeds donated to the Garden was held in Llansadwrn Church vestry, seedlings would be planted in the Garden in May. The Fence had been erected and a pedestrian gate separating the garden from the rest of the Community Field. The application for Lottery Funding is being finalised. A Spring cut of the grass in the garden are underway. The possibility of a pond in the Garden was discussed at length but it was discussed and agreed that a “marshy” area would be the safest option.

8 (b) Planning application E/38759 – Land to rear of Heddfryn

A number of complaints had been received regarding the above planning application. These were discussed at length and it was agreed to send in a response on behalf of the Community Council objecting to the application.

5. Correspondence

(a) Llansadwrn Carnival Committee – thank you for donation of £600.00

(b) Carmarthenshire County Council – List of Declarations of Interest March 2018 – 2019, Code of Conduct training details.

(c) Police and Crime News

(d) Carmarthenshire County Council Waste Amnestry – May 4, July 13, October 3, February 8th 2020.

6. Reports

The County Councillor reported the following:

1. A public consultation meeting had been held recently in Llandeilo giving options for a by-pass

2. Carmarthenshire County Council had placed a consultation on their website regarding Public Toilets

3. A new Chief Executive had been appointed – Ms Wendy Walters

4. Storms through the winter had caused severe damage on the roads

7. Payments and Donations


BHIB Insurance – £556.20

Robert Brown 1st class Fencing (Community Garden) – £1,200.00

Un Llais Cymru membership – £70.00


A letter had been received from Y Lloffwr regarding a donation – it was discussed and agreed to give a donation of £25.00.

(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements

Copies were distributed and a copy and the bank statements signed.

(b) Budgets 2019/2020

These to be updated by the November meeting.

(c) IRP – payment to Community Councillors

Details of the payment was distributed and a form to sign if anyone wished to refuse the payment.

(d) Bank signatures

It was discussed and agreed to add Counc. T. Evans to the list of signatures.

8. Any other business

8 (d) Entrance to Community Field

The Clerk to contact Mr Huw Evans to enquire as to when the work would be completed.

8 (e) Grass cutting Community Field, Play Area, etc.

It was discussed and agreed to ask Mr Colin Darman to continue with the above work. The grass to be cut as and when required, dependant on the weather, growth, etc

9. Date of next meeting

The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 5th June, 2019.