Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room Llansadwrn on Wednesday 2nd January, 2019.
Chairman: Counc. J. M. Evans
Councillors: John Couch, C. Hudson, C. M. Jones
County Councillor Arwel Davies
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct on correction of the following:
Coun. L. Jones had been omitted from the list of Councillors present at the meeting.
3. Declaration of Interest
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
A copy of the minutes of the meeting held 12th November, 2018 had been received. A letter had also been received regarding repairs to the Village Monument. It was agreed that any work undertaken is not the responsibility of Llansadwrn Community Council. Bi-lingual copies had been distributed of the Reading Room Constitution.
8 (c) Speed Restrictions
Nothing to report.
Brownhill Junction
No contact had been made with the owners, Counc. J. Couch agreed to make enquiries to find their home telephone number, as they were living abroad and visit Llansadwrn at various times of the year.
8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
Only part of the hedges around the Play Area had been cut by the new landowners, the Clerk to make enquires regarding cutting the remaining trees. A Risk Assessment of the Play Area had been carried out previously and the inspector advised that the equipment should be inspected monthly, this to be discussed further.
8 (iii) Web site
A member of We Dig Media had been invited to attend the March meeting.
Whilst returning the letters of support the “Awards for All” application stated “Projects to provide defibrillators are now less likely to be funded as the programme is very competitive and they struggle to meet our requirements as strongly as other projects”. A funding application had been sent to Williams Brownhills CIO.
8 (2) Highway Issues
Pot holes continued to be an issue, although some had been filled. There was a problem near Cwm Mynydd Bach with the grating sinking into the ground.
Information had been given regarding the closure of the Highway in order that work could be carried out by Dwr Cymru.
Community Garden
A meeting had been held and officials elected. Copies of the constitution, Statement of Intent and details of a non-contractual agreement had been received, copies would be sent to all members by the next meeting. A tenancy of 5 years had been requested, this was discussed and agreed to offer a 10 year tenancy..
Community Field lighting
A quotation had been received from Carmarthenshire County Council:
To supply and fit New 16 Watt LED lantern and bracket to operate part night inclusive of providing additional supply on pole = £604.83 plus VAT. They also enclosed a location Plan. It is the responsibility of the Community Council to ensure that residents are appropriately consulted before any decision is made to accept this quotation. This was discussed and agreed to ask for a quote for a “Movement Sentistive” light.
If we accept any quotes this Lantern would be added to our footway lighting account and all future energy and maintenance would be borne by the Community Council.
Community Council Vacancy
Notices had been placed advertising the vacancy for a Community Council. Carmarthenshire County Council advised that the next step to take was to co-opt, therefore a note would be placed in Post Datum. One member had shown an interest in co-option, this would be discussed at the next meeting.
5. Correspondence
(a) Carmarthenshire County Council – planning consultation E/38200 – Construction of one dwelling at land to rear of Heddfryn, Llansadwrn
(b) WAG – Appropriate Sum under S137 for 2019-2020 is £8.12 per elector
(c) One Voice Wales
Addressing traffic management issues Brecon Beacons
Connecting Communities in Wales
Police Commissioner Newsletter
WAG – package of resources for Community Council – survey on line
(d) WAG – Latest updates regarding diversity of the sector and communities they serve
(e) Teenage Cancer Trust – request for donation
6. Reports
A Budget Consultation had been prepared by Carmarthenshire County Council and was available to complete on their web-site.
7. Payments and Donations
Clerks Wages – £200.00
Clerks Expenses – £79.36
HMRC – £50.00
One Voice Wales (membership 2018/2019) – £66.00
A Wayleave payment of £55.69 had been received from Western Power. It was discussed and agreed that as we only receive one payment a year that instead of cheque it could be paid directly into our Account. With the closure of local Banks there is no NatWest in the local area.
(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
These to be signed at the February meeting.
(b) Budgets – 2018/2019
Copies were distributed and agreed
(c) Precept
It was discussed and agreed that the precept remain as 2017/2018 – £6,000.00. The Chairman signed the appropriate form
A precept payment of £2,000.00 had been received for December, 2018 – £2,000.00.
8. Any other business
Grass cutting – Community Field
It was discussed that there was an issue with the cutting of the grass of the Community Field in 2018, this would be discussed further on receipt of any paperwork.
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 6th February, 2018