Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room Llansadwrn on Wednesday 6th February, 2019.
Chairman: Counc. J. M. Evans
Councillors: J. M. Davies, J. Couch, L. Jones, C. Hudson, C. Powell
1. Apologies
Counc. C. Jones, County Councillor A. Davies
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes accepted as correct.
3. Declaration of Interest
Counc. J. Couch – Community Garden
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
The Clerk apologised for not replying to the letter received from the Reading Room Committee regarding the War Memorial. Counc. M. Davies brought along a question from the Reading Room Committee “Who is responsible for the Reading Room Insurance, and what does it cover War Memorial steps?” The Clerk explained that the Committee had always been responsible for their own Insurance and they would need to contact their insurance company direct to ask exactly what they are paying for and whether members are covered by Public Liability.
8 (c) Speed Restrictions
Concern was expressed that nothing had been done about the speed restrictions through the village, it was dangerous when local children were out cycling. The Clerk to make further enquiries and report the issue again to the County Councillor.
Brownhill Junction
Counc. J. Couch had kindly obtained the address of the owners of Brownhill as they lived in Germany. The Clerk to write to them regarding Brownhill Junction.
8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
The Clerk had spoken to the new landowners and the trees were going to be cut down. It was reported that here was a bench near the Play Area, it was in need of repair. The bench had been donated enquiries to be made if the bench was to be repaired and a new plaque put in place.
Web Site
As Lyndsey Maiden was attending the next meeting, it was agreed to enquire information regarding the amount of adverts received and if this would reduce the hosting fee.
The Clerk had completed a funding application to Williams Brownhill, a reply had been received stating that this would be discussed at their April meeting.
8 (2) Highway Issues
The following issues were continued to be outstanding:
Cwm Mynydd Bach – manhole cover – not level with the road (responsibility of landowner or highways)
Blocked drains outside Community Field
Drain outside the Reading Room
The Clerk to report the issues again and also contact our County Councillor
Community Garden
A funding letter had been received, and this to be discussed under Item 7 on the Agenda.
Community Council vacancy
With reference to the co-option of a Community Councillor, only one applicant had put their name forward which was Ms Trish Evans, Bellview, Llansadwrn. It was discussed and agreed to co-opt Ms Evans as a member of the Community Council.
5. Correspondence
(a) Carmarthenshire County Council – E/38247 – Discharge of planning condition No. 10 of E/18750 – land formerly part of Heddfryn, Llansadwrn – Brown Partnership
(b) Letter from Marianne Cahill – requesting us to consider a hard surface for car parking and turning on the Community Field. The Clerk to reply that work would be carried out when the weather improved.
(c) Previously sent – recycling questionnaire
(It was noted that there is a Bottle bank behind the Sextons)
(d) Previously sent – Agreement and Statement of Intent – Community Garden
(e) Previously sent – LDP
(f) C.FF.I. – complimentary tickets for Annual Rally
(g) Age Cymru Sir Gar – Free home energy check
(h) Wales Co-operative Centre – community-led housing
(i) Celebrating Culture 2019
(j) One Voice Wales
Buckingham Palace Garden Party
Water Customers struggling to pay
(k) Gypsy Traveller Accommodation Needs assessment
6. Payments and Donations
YNH (Domain name) – £11.00
Colin Darman – £550.00
A letter had been received from Urdd Gobaith Cymru – Blaenau Tywi asking for a donation towards organising the 1st round of the local Eisteddfodau. It was agreed to give a donation of £35.00.
A letter had been received from the Llansadwrn Community Garden regarding a request for £1,500 towards a boundary fence. Following research it had been agreed that the only option was stock fence of wire netting, round softwood posts and plain wire on top to tension and steel gate (similar to entrance field). It was discussed and agreed that the Community Council would pay for the installation of the boundary fence.
Audit 2019/2020
It was discussed and agreed to ask the present internal auditor to audit the Accounts for 2019/2020. The Clerk to send a letter of engagement.
Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
Copies were distributed and signed.
8. Any other business
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 6th March, 2019.