April 2022 minutes


Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room, Llansadwrn on Wednesday 6th April, 2022.


Chairman: Councillor C. Powell

Councillors: L. Jones, C. Jones, J. Evans, T. Evans, L. Rowlands

County Councillor A. Davies

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1. Apologies

Councillor C. Eady

2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters that were not included on the Agenda

Minutes were accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest

Councillor T. Evans – Gardd Gymunedol Llansadwrn, Reading Room

Councillor L. Rowlands – Reading Room, Cornwallis

4. Matters arising from the minutes:

4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room

The Annual General Meeting would be held imminently.  Confirmation had been received from Carmarthenshire County Council that the Reading Room would be exempt from paying Rates for 2022/2023.

Brownhill Junction

Nothing to report.

8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area

A reply had been received from the Environmental Enforcement Officer stating that extra dog fouling signs had been placed where practicable in Llansadwrn.  Should there be any further issues to contact the office directly.

8 (iii) Web Site

Lyndsey Maiden had agreed to attend the April meeting, but enquired as to what information the Community Council required.  It was discussed and agreed to ask for updates regarding adverts/revenue for the web site and also how many people visit the web site.

8 (2) Highway issues

Pot holes continued to be an issue near Waun Clyn Da, tarmac was placed in the holes but unfortunately within a few days the pot holes would return.  A Steam Roller should be used to compress the tarmac.

Prioritising Footpaths

This was discussed at length and Councillor L. Rowlands agreed to look into the matter and report back at the next meeting.  The Clerk to send him a copy of the Definitive Map and enquiries to be made with the Reading Room regarding the specially prepared map of the footpaths that was on the wall.

8 (a) Gardd Gymunedol Llansadwrn Community Garden

The grass had been cut and compost placed on site.  Free insurance had been received from Keep Wales Tidy.

8 (d) Light for the Community Field

Councillor L. Jones had met Mr Arwel Price, Carmarthenshire County Council on Site.  He advised that the light would be expensive as we would need to pay a regular banding payment, and agreed to send a quote by the next meeting. 

Jubilee celebrations

Councillor C. Eady apologised for not being present but had sent an updated report.  The Marquee had been ordered, the Community Council had agreed to cover the cost and overnight insurance would not be required.  Copies of the insurance requirements would be given to Claire.  Bunting and a banner had been purchased, a graphic designer in the village had agreed to prepared a poster.  Consultations were ongoing with Cliff regarding refreshments.  The Community Council agreed to purchase 80 small 1” jubilee badges at a cost of approximately £71.20.  

Community Field Furniture

This to be discussed at the May meeting.

8 (e) Red Telephone Kiosk

This was discussed and agreed that it could possibly be used as an information centre, this to be discussed further at the June meeting.   

5. Correspondence

(1) Thank you letter received from Capel Dewi

(2) Thank you letter received from the Chairman of CCC

(3) CCC – list of declarations of interest for 2019/2020 was required

(4) Nomination forms

(5) Ukraine refugee crisis

(6) Charity Commission information

(7) Manifesto for the future

(8) Smarter working – remote working

(9) CCC – road closure C2169 Talley

(10) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning Consultation PL/30667 – Craig y Bwch – re-instatement of dwelling conversion – re-submission

6. Reports

(a) Report from County Councillor

(a) Managed to obtain a 20 m.p.h. speed limit for Porthyrhyd and Siloh.

(b) Local Elections – Thank you everyone for all the support during the term of office.

(b) Report from Cornwallis Liaison

A meeting had been held last week, moving forward very slowly.  Hopefully in the future there would either be a Social housing development or private housing development.  The Community Field and Village Hall would remain, other alterations might be needed with regard to an entrance to the development, but this was a long way away at the moment.

6. Payments and Donations


Absolute Marquee – £262.60 (deposit)

Absolute Marquee – ££787.50

British Heart Foundation – £1,709.99 (defibrillator received at the commencement of the pandemic but no invoice sent)

Carmarthenshire County Council – Footway lighting – £736.88

Carmarthenshire County Council – LED for lanterns – £312.76

Un Llais Cymru – £79.00

Clerks Wages £329.00

HMRC – £62.00


Requests had been received from the following, but it was agreed to donate only to local organisations:

Noah’s Ark, Wales Air Ambulance for Children, Kids Cancer Charity, Llangollen Eisteddfod.

Audit update

Welsh Government had explained the issues/timescales due to COVID and the Certification of draft accounts to be ready by 31 August, 2022 and final audited accounts by 30 November, 2022.  

Over the next three years audits would basic/basic or full.  For this year Llansadwrn Community Council would have a full audit.

The present internal auditor has unfortunately been unable to audit the accounts for 2021/2022, the Clerk proposed using the same internal auditor as Llanwrda Community Council.  This was agreed.

One of the issues that would be mentioned in their report was a Contract of Employment for the Clerk, a draft copy to be sent to everyone by the next meeting.

(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements

Quarter 4 would be signed on receipt of the appropriate bank statements

(b) Budgets – 2022/2023

This to be discussed/updated at the September meeting.

8. Any other business

Nothing to report.

9. Date of next meeting

Due to the local elections the Clerk to inform everyone of the date of the next meeting when available.