Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held using MS Teams on Wednesday 7th June, 2023
Chairman: Councillor C. Powell
Councillors: C. Jones, T. Evans
County Councillor A. Davies
1. Apologies
Councillor L. Jones, Councillor L. Rowlands, Councillor J. Evans
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct.
3. Declaration of Interest
County Councillor A. Davies – Cornwallis
Councillor T. Evans – Llansadwrn Reading Room
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
Councillor T. Evans reported that the Annual General Meeting was being held on 26th June, 2023. A very successful Big Lunch had been held recently.
The Clerk had received a notice from the Charity Commission regarding changes in the system. The Community Council owned a filing cabinet, the Clerk asked the Council if this could now be kept in the Reading Room and also a supply of old Maps. Councillor T. Evans agreed that this be discussed at the meeting on 26th June, 2023.
Brownhill Junction
Nothing to report.
8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
The Play Area would be inspected by Carmarthenshire County Council within the next three months.
8 (iii) Web Site
Although the Contract with We Dig Media was drawing to a close it was discussed and agreed not to change the provider for the next two to three years. There are changes taking place within Community Council and consultations were being prepared by Carmarthenshire County Council.
Highway Issues
Pot holes were continuing to be a problem.
8 (5) Memorial Steps
This was discussed at length and it was agreed that a final decision would be made at the next meeting.
8 (12) Community Field grass cutting contract
Only one tender had been received, that was from Mr Colin Darman. Cutting Community Field – £120.00 per cut, cutting hedges, playground and path by church yard – £40.00 per cut, cutting hedges – £40.00 per hour. One other person had shown an interest, but it was discussed and agreed that we adhere to the closing date. The owner of Cefn Farm had offered the Community Council a free sit on mower, as the mowing goes out to tender we couldn’t accept the kind offer. The Clerk to send a thank you note.
Emails had been received from Brynhyfryd asking the Community Council to reduce the number of cuts to the Community Field, also leave a border uncut around the field. This was discussed and it was agreed that this was not possible.
8 (14) Biodiversity Report
This was nearly complete and would be on the website by the next meeting.
8 (15) Code of Conduct Training
The dates and times offered were not convenient with members, it was agreed to ask for a copy of the recording session.
8 (3) Community Field furniture
The option of placing furniture on the Community Field was discussed briefly.
5. Correspondence
(1) Carmarthenshire County Council planning consultation – PL/05872 – Pantyfer, Llansadwrn – extend stable block
(2) Carmarthenshire County Council planning consultation PL/06045 – agricultural cover, etc.
(3) Church Service – welcome new vicar
(4) 20 m.p.h. update
(5) WAG – Private Notice Policy
(6) Carmarthenshire County Council – Bee Friendly scheme
(7) Green Tywi Usk Project
(8) Hywel Dda – child care emergency consultation
(9) OVW – Climate change bulletin
(10) Carmarthenshire County Council – member for admissions forum
(11) Carmarthenshire County Council – Asset collaboration grant
(12) OVW – revised Standing Orders.
(13) Response from Bute Energy
(14) Carmarthenshire County Council – latest news
(15) Lluest Horse and Pony Trust – thank you for donation (Chair’s allowance)
6. Reports
(a) Report from County Councillor
(1) Adran Llyn y Fan should be congratulated on their success and to everyone who competed to ensure the success of Llandovery Eisteddfod. The highways in the area had been decorated and a lot of work had been involved.
(2) Carmarthenshire County Council – Tour ambassadors
(3) An extension to the year groups of all children to receive free school meals
(4) Carmarthenshire County Council were supporting stress and well being of people
(b) Report from Cornwallis Liaison
Absent from the meeting.
7. Finance
(a) Payments
(b) Donations
(i) A request had been received from Llansadwrn Show ask for our support and if we could give a donation towards the cost of the Insurance, being £400.00. It was discussed and agreed to pay the full amount
(ii) Llanwrda Cricket Club – a request for a donation towards a bursary, to help young players realise their potential.
Audit update
This was being completed and would be in the post by the end of June.
IRP expenses
Forms will be sent to every individual, anyone wishing to claim the £150.00 not to complete the form, anyone not wanting the expenses to return the form to the Clerk. These will be sent out with the next minutes.
(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
These to be sent in the post to be signed.
(b) Budget – 2023/2024
Updated at the September meeting.
8. Any other business
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held via MS Teams on Wednesday 5th July, 2023. The Clerk to send the link at 7.20.