June 2018 Community Council Minutes


Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room Llansadwrn on Wednesday 6th June, 2018

Chairman: Counc. J. Evans
Councillors: J. Couch, C. Jones
County Counc. A. Davies

1. Apologies
Counc. C. Hudson

2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest

4. Matters arising from the minutes:

4.2  Llansadwrn Reading Room
A reply had been received from the Chairman of the Reading Room, as follows:
The Reading Room Committee welcomes enquires from the Trustees, and are somewhat surprised that it has taken so long for members of LCC to forward such requests. Mr Meirion Davies is a member of Llansadwrn Reading Room Committee and there is “nothing to report” as liaison would have been logical. A supporting letter for the defibrillator was enclosed.

With reference to the “Heat Issues” they have not received any complaints. The singularly most expensive outgoing costs of the LRRC is electricity caused by an inefficient balance of heat provision and location, inadequate insulation of only 75 mm quilt and a failure by all users at different times (including LCC) to respect please via notices to turn lights and heaters off when leaving. Llansadwrn Community Council could play an active role in securing a County Council grant to improve the ‘U’ value of the building with the provision of the regulation thickness of 270 mm loft insulation.

It would be useful if the LCC provided the LRC with a detailed brief of what is required of them as I understand we have never had any direction from the Trustees.

8 (c) Speed Restrictions
Nothing to report.

Brownhill Junction
Nothing to report.

8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
Mr Colin Darman had cut the grass of the play area.

Maintenance of War Memorial
One quote had been received from Gwalia Monumental quoting £2,523.70.

8 (iii) Web Site
Ms Lyndsey Maiden had signed the Contract and returned to the Clerk.

Awaiting further letters of support.

8 (2) Highway issues
Nothing to report.

8 (i) Entrance to Community Field
Awaiting quotes for the work.

The Clerk to obtain a quote for a light on the Community Field.

5. Correspondence
(a) Carmarthenshire County Council planning consultation E/37290 – Ms L. Odea, Bancyberllan – demolish extension and construct new single storey extension
(b) Carmarthenshire LDP Workshop – two Councillors were invited to attend a workshop at the Civic hall, Llandeilo on 20th July, 2018 at 4.45 p.m. (5.00 p.m. start)
(c) Marie Curie Tea parti Poster appeal
(d) Wales Air Ambulance – thank you for donation
(e) CAVS – volunteers for local projects
(f) Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) – Act 2015
(g) Energy Prices Direct, Ltd. – Energy Tariff for Charities
(h) Carmarthenshire County Council – Mapping of Public Sector Land/Property Ownership
(i) Carmarthenshire County Council – Scrutiny Committee – suggestions for topics
(j) Carmarthenshire County Council – Child Burial Fees – copy of agreement

6 Reports
County Counc. A. Davies noted that the following had been reported:
(i) The road near Cwmeirchon
(ii) The blocked drain by the Community Field
(iii) Fly Tipping at the layby Cwmeirchon

A “pop-in” session for Community Councils had been held in Cilcwm but none of the general public attended. A similar session had been held in Llansadwrn with no one attending.

The closing date of the LDP had been extended until August. A meeting was being held at the Civic Hall, Llandeilo on Monday July 30, 2018 at 4.45 p.m.

A Mountain Bike race with nearly 200 competitors was being held in the Rhandirmwyn area on the 23/24th June.

Llandeilo by-pass – nothing to report.

7. Payments and donations


No request.

The April quarterly payment of £2,000.00 had been received.

(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
To be signed at the July meeting.

(b) Budget 2018/2019
On going.

8. Any other business

A letter had been received from the Rights of Way department of Carmarthenshire County Council asking every Community Council in Carmarthenshire to take responsibility of 5 footpaths. It is not possible for the Outdoor Recreation Unit to keep open all the Rights of Way, therefore they are requesting assistance with mainly cutting back vegetation. If the installation of new countryside furniture was required these would be provided where needed. This to be discussed at the next meeting.

Counc. J. Couch reported that a new posts was required for Bridle Way 45/59.

Hywel Dda NHS consultation
It was reported that approximately 120 people had attended the meeting at Llandovery. It was reported that Llandovery Hospital would not be closing.

9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 4th July, 2018.