Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community held at the Reading Room, Llansadwrn on Wednesday 6th July, 2022
Chairman: Councillor C. Jones
Councillors: T. Evans, C. Eady
County Councillor A. Davies
1. Apologies
Councillor L. Jones, Councillor C. Powell, Councillor J. Evans
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct, on correction of the following:
Members present: J. Evans should be named as an “observer”
3. Declaration of Interest
Councillor T. Evans – Reading Room, Gardd Gymunedol Llansadwrn
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
Everything had been arranged for the open day at the Reading Room, held between 10.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. Councillor C. Eady had been invited to join the Reading Room Committee and she had accepted. The Clerk had received a copy of the Balance Sheet in order to complete the paperwork for the Charity Commission. Officials had been elected and a treasurer would be confirmed at the next meeting.
Brownhill Junction
The budget would be updated at the September meeting, and costs will be added to the budget.
8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
Councillor C. Eady had met the inspector from Sutcliffe Play Equipment on site and he would send a written report. The foliage around the area needing cutting, contact Colin Darman to carry out the work.
The houses being built at Heddfryn, next to the Play Area, the Clerk to contact the builders for signs to be placed around the area advising that work was being carried out.
8 (iii) Web Site
Lyndsey Maiden to attend the next meeting.
8 (2) Highway Issues
Nothing new to report.
Prioritising footpaths
This to be discussed with Councillor L. Rowlands at the next meeting.
It was discussed briefly, that in the future possibly a leaflet could be produced giving details of the footpaths in the area, encouraging visitors to the village.
8 (a) Gardd Gymunedol Llansadwrn Community Garden
No meetings held
Jubilee Celebrations
The event was a great success and Councillor C. Eady was thanked again for all her work.
Red Telephone Kiosk
This to be discussed at the next meeting.
Community Field furniture
This to be discussed at the next meeting.
6 (4) Co-option
There was a vacancy for a further member, a notice to be placed in Postdatum in the near future.
8 (6) Speeding through the village
Complaints for speeding should be placed on the “Go Safe” web site.
5. Correspondence
(i) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning consultation PL/04109 – two vehicle storage car port – Dan yr Allt Stables, Llansadwrn
(ii) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning consultation PL/04165 – replacement roof structure – Cwm Sidan Farm, Talley
(iii) Women’s Cycle Race – road closures
(iv) Shaping Wales’s future
(v) Wales Nature Week
(vi) National Forest for Wales funding
(vii) Code of Conduct Training
(viii) Carmarthenshire County Council – latest news
(ix) Resilient Community Grants – NRW
(x) Revised LDP – Carmarthenshire County Council
6. Reports
(a) Report from County Councillor
(1) Cilycwm Ward – grass cutting
(2) Free school Meals
(3) School Uniform
(4) Carmarthenshire Residents survey (card with App details given to everyone)
(5) Jobs Fair – Parc y Scarlets tomorrow
(6) Care Academy – social work applications – work for degree
(b) Report from Cornwallis Liaison
Absent from the meeting.
7. Payments
Clerks Wages – £554.00 (translations, postages, internet and telephone)
HMRC – £122.00
Audit update
The completed Audit had been sent to the Audit Office, Llansadwrn Community Council would have a full Audit 2021/2022.
IRP payments
Details were given to every member
(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
These to be signed next at the September meeting
(b) Budget 2022/2023
To be updated at the September meeting
(c) Additional signature
Mandate to be signed at the September meeting.
(d) (d) Finance and Governance Tool Kit – Wales Audit Office
The toolkit is made up of two parts:-
Part 1: The health check
The health check is designed to be completed by the clerk, working with the chair or a small group of members as appropriate, to assess whether fundamental governance and financial management arrangements, policies etc are in place, highlight any action that needs to be taken, and report back to full council or a designated committee.
Part 2: The self-assessment
The self-assessment will enable councillors to use the findings from Part 1, and other forms of evidence available, to reflect more deeply on how the council is operating, managing its finances and governing itself.
A copy of the Tool Kit to be sent to every member. The Chairman and the Clerk to complete Part 1.
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 7th September, 2022.