October 2018 Community Council Minutes


Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room Llansadwrn on Wednesday 3rd October, 2018.

Chairman: Counc. J. M. Evans
Councillors: John Couch, J. M. Davies, C. Hudson, L. Jones, C. Powell, Huw Davies

1. Apologies
County Counc. A. Davies

2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct.

3. Declaration of Interest
Minute 7 Donations – Counc. J. M. Davies and Counc. J. Couch

4. Matters arising from the minutes:

4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
A request had been received from the Reading Room Committee to re-position a plaque on the outside wall of the Reading Room in order to put in place a Notice Board. This would give details of Sinema Llansadwrn. This was discussed and agreed, the Clerk to write to the Chairman. The insulating of the Reading Room was also discussed, the Clerk to obtain further information from the Chairman.

8 (c) Speed Restrictions
Nothing to report.

Brownhill Junction
No reply had been received from the owners of Brownhill, although it is understood that they are abroad very frequently. The removal of the large tree at Brownhill, Counc. J. Couch reported that there was no preservation order.

8 (1) Llansadwrn Play Area
The Play Area equipment was due for inspection, and this would be carried out within the next 6/8 weeks.

Maintenance – war memorial
A quote of £386.00 had been received from Peter Lewis Hill. This was discussed and it was agreed to accept the quote for painting of War Memorial stone and railings.

8 (iii) Web site
It was agreed to invite a member of We Dig Media to the January meeting for updates on the Web site.

The Clerk had completed a revised third application, but explained again that funding for a Defibrillator did not meet with the criteria of Awards for All. It was agreed to wait for a reply, then contact the British Heart Foundation for the closing date for their grants. If funding was not available it was agreed that the Community Council purchase a Defibrillator.

8 (2) Highway Issues
Work had not been carried out on any of the issues reported. The drains were continuing to be blocked at Waun Glyn Da, resulting unfortunately with the overflow of water entering peoples’ property. The drains were below road level.

The drain outside Libanus Chapel was also blocked, this to be reported.

Entrance to Community Field
Work on the entrance was ongoing.

A site meeting had been arranged regarding a light for the Community Field but unfortunately no report from the meeting had been received from Carmarthenshire County Council.

Community Garden
Not everyone was in agreement regarding the Community Garden, but as it had been passed and agreed at the last meeting the issue therefore could not be altered for six months, unless 3 letters were received from the Community Council members.

The first meeting had been held and fruit trees were going to be purchased.

8 (a) Footpaths
No consultation document received from Carmarthenshire County Council.

8 (a) Correspondence
(a) Llansadwrn Terrier Club – dates of requested meetings:
Friday August 24th, Sept 7th and Sept 21st
Sunday Oct. 7th, 21st, Nov. 4th, 18th, Dec. 2nd, 16th, 30th
(b) Independent Review Panel – Annual Report.
(c) Unadopted Roads in Wales
(d) Parliament Constituencies
(e) Carmarthenshire County Council – Code of Conduct Data
(f) Net-Reach Trustees – meeting of representatives of various organisations within the area.
(g) One Voice Wales – Area meeting 2nd October, 2018

6. Reports
The County Councillor was absent from the meeting.

7. Payments
Clerks Wages – £200.00
Clerks Expenses plus 2 ink cartridges – £87.36
HMRC – 50.00
Llansadwrn Churchyard annual donation – £250.00

Donation – Capel Dewi
A verbal quotation had been received for the work involved, it was agreed to request a letter of confirmation.

Ysgol Gynradd Llangadog Parent Teacher Association had sent a letter requesting a donation – it was agreed to send a donation of £100.00

Urdd Gobaith Cymru had sent a request for donation but it was agreed to support the local branch of the Urdd.
Report from IRP for Wales
The outline findings and recommendations for the future of Community and Town Councils had been received. Community Councils would be placed in 3 bands, Llansadwrn would be in band C – with income or expenditure in 2017/2018 of below £30,000.00

Determination 45 – Community and Town Councils in Group C are authorised to make available a payment to each of their members of £150.00 per year for costs incurred in respect of telephone usage, information technology, consumables, etc.
Determination 47 – Community Councils in Band C are authorised to make an annual payment of £500.00 each to up to 5 members in recognition of specific responsibilities. This is in addition to the £150.00 payment for costs and expenses if that is claimed.
Determination 48 – Community Councils are authorised to make payments to each of their members in respect of travel costs for attending approved duties. Such payments must be the actual costs of travel by public transport or the HMRC mileage allowance as set out in the annual report.

Proper notice must be received by the Clerk from any member making a personal decision to forgo part or all of the payments. Copies were given for individuals to sign as necessary for 2017/2018.

Audit 2017/2018
Below please find the report from the Grant Thornton:

The Auditor General for Wales issued Cyngor Cymuned Llansadwrn Community Council a qualified audit report. Details of the matters which had to the qualification are detailed below:

Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights
Additionally, during our review we identified some other matters that we wish to draw to the Council’s attention which do not affect our audit but should be addressed by the Council.

We note that the Notice of Appointment of Date require that the notice be displayed for 14 consecutive days before the start of the inspection period. The inspection period must allow 21 working days for inspection.

The Council must ensure that the inspection period is correct in future years.

We note that the Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors’ rights allowed 10 working days for the inspection of the books and records. The Accounts and Audit (Wales) 2014 state that the Council must allow 20 working days for inspection.

The Council must ensure that the inspection period is properly advertise in future years and allows for the correct number of days for inspection.

Additionally, during our review we identified some other matters that we wish to draw to the Council’s attention which do not affect out audit opinion but should be addressed by the Council.

High level of reserves
We note that the Council holds a high level of general reserves, approximately 1.38 times the annual precept for 2017/2018.

The Council should consider the level of general reserves required and consider taking steps to reduce the level of reserves in future years if necessary.

Treatment of unpresented cheques
We note that £1,052.00 of cheques written before the year end but unpresented at the bank at 31 March 2018 have not been deducted from the Bank Reconciliation. This is incorrect.
Box 9 therefore overstated by £1,052 and the balance carried forward in Box 11 is overstated by £1,052 and should read £9,843.
The Council should reinstate the 2018 figures on next year’s Annual Return and write “reinstated” beneath the £ sign on the 2018 column.

Section 2 – Accounting Statements
Box 4 on the Accounting Statement, Staff Costs, is incorrectly stated as £1,435 this should instead read £1,387 accounting for Wages, PAYE and expenses such as travel.

Box 6 on the Accounting Statement, Total other payments, is incorrectly stated as £2,634 this should instead read £3,734, recording all other payments accounted for during the yar 2017/2018.

Box 7 on the Accounting Statement. Balance carried forward, is incorrectly stated as £10,895 this should instead read £9,843, this totals the new balance and reserves held at year end 2017/2018.

The Council should restate the 2018 figures on next year’s Annual Return and write “reinstated” beneath the £ sign on the 2018 column.

(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statement
These to be signed at the November meeting.

(b) Budgets – 2018/2019
These to be discussed at the November meeting.

8. Any other business

Pot Holes
It was reported that the Pot Holes at Panybryn had not been filled.

9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 7th November, 2018.