Minutes of the meeting of Llansadwrn Community Council held at the Reading Room, Llansadwrn on Wednesday 5th February, 2020
Chairman: Councillor C. Powell
Councillors: C. M. Jones, L. Jones, C. Hudson, J. Evans, Trish Evans, Claire Eady
County Councillor Arwel Davies
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. He also gave a welcome to Claire Eady who had been co-opted as a member.
1. Apologies
Everyone present.
Community Council Vacancy
Notices had been displayed and this would be discussed at the next meeting.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising that were not included on the Agenda
Minutes were accepted as correct.
3. Declaration of Interest
Councillors J. Evans and Trish Evans – Cornwallis
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
4.2 Llansadwrn Reading Room
No reply had been received to a letter written to the secretary of the Reading Room. Councillor L. Jones agreed to speak to one of the officials. It would be necessary to appoint a new member to represent the Community Council on the Reading Room Committee, it was agreed that the Clerk forward copies of the Constitution in order that copies can be given to new members.
The Clerk had contact our Insurance Company regarding indemnity for the Community Councillors as they were Trustees of the Reading Room. They advised that this would need to be covered by the Reading Room’s Insurance Policy.
It was also agreed to ask the Reading Room Committee for a list of dates of their meetings and also again copies of the minutes.
Graham Craig had given his apologies for being unable to attend this meeting but would be attending our March meeting.
8 (c) Speed Restrictions
Nothing to report.
Brownhill Junction
Members of the family were due back in Llansadwrn during the month of March.
Llansadwrn Play Area
The Play Area had not been inspected, the Clerk to contact Wicksteed.
8 (iii) Web Site
It was agreed to invite Lindsay Maiden to attend the April meeting.
The Clerk to order the Defibrillator, it was discussed and agreed that it should be placed on the wall of the Reading Room. A map/plaque to be placed by the side of the Defibrillator giving the post code, grid reference, etc. of the Reading Room, this would possibly assist strangers to the area if anything were to happen.
It was agreed to purchase the IPAD SP1 at £1,135.00 which would be suitable for adults and children. As the defibrillator is being placed outdoors we will need to purchase a 2 outdoor unlocked cabinet at a price of £574.99. Pads and battery will need to be replaced every 5 years at a cost of £250.00. BHF provide free CPR Training Kit with every defibrillator.
8 (2) Highway Issues
There was nothing to report.
Ash Die-back was continuing to be a problem but Carmarthenshire County Council were aware of the issues.
8 (a) Gardd Gymunedol Llansadwrn Community Garden
It had been agreed that the Clerk sign the Planning Application on behalf of Llansadwrn Community Council.
An update report had been received from the Chairman, asking what was the situation regarding the lease agreement and planning application. GGLICG will need to see the planning application before it is submitted and the lease agreement before the final version is produced. This was discussed and noted that that the Chairman had completed the Planning Application and this had not been altered, also a member of the Community Council was a member of Committee and would be given a draft copy of the lease.
8 (b) Road to the new development – Heddfryn
The Community Councillor reported that the Planning Application Consultations had now been passed by Carmarthenshire County Council.
8 (d) Light for the Community Field
No updates to report.
5. Correspondence
(a) Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning Consultation E/40133 – Mr David Richards – Steel Portal Frame Agricultural Building to replace existing concrete block structure. – There weren’t any issues/comments.
(b) Hywel Dda health board – drop-in session to discuss Llandovery Hospital at the Castle Hotel, Llandovery – 14th February, 2020 between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. This was discussed and agreed to complain about the timing. People working full time, families, etc.
(e) Carmarthenshire County Council – a list of drop-in sessions for the LDP, closing date Friday 13th March, 2020.
(f) A letter from Llandeilo Show requesting a donation.
6. Reports from County Councillor
(a) An on-line environmental consultation was available on-line, Carmarthenshire County Council web site.
(b) A very successful Bingo Evening had been held to raise funds for the Llandovery Urdd Eisteddfod
(c) A further fundraising event was being held in Cilycwm on 5th June, 2020.
(b) Report from Cornwallis Liaison
The feasibility study was on-going with everyone either completing a written copy of the questionnaire or being interviewed by telephone. There were numerous issues regarding meetings, closing date of questionnaires, etc.
The Clerk had contacted One Voice Wales regarding members of the Community Council being represented as Trustees of Cornwallis and received the following reply:
The Clerk had contacted One Voice Wales regarding Community Councillors being Trustees of a Charity and the following reply was received:
“A community councillor cannot be a representative of the Community Council on any charitable body in which he/she is a trustee. Although the Council can put forward names to the Trust for them to consider appointing as trustees or in some cases appoint them, once a trustee, the individual concerned must act in the interests of the Trust and not necessarily the Council. They enclosed a copy of the legal topic note on basic charity law explains the legal position of Councillors who are appointed as charitable trustees. In the case in point, it doesn’t really matter whether the individual is a serving Councillor or not they must still act in the best interests of the Charity.”
It was discussed and agreed to obtain a copy of the original constitution, also a copy of the insurance cover document of the Trustees.
7. Payments and Donations
(a) Payments
YNH (Domain name) – £11.00
(b) Donations.
A letter had been received from Wales Air Ambulance requesting a donation. This was discussed and agreed to give a donation of £100.00.
(a) Signing quarterly income and expenditure reports/bank statements
These to be signed next at the May meeting.
(b) Budgets 2019/2020
At the next meeting we would need to discuss projects for 2020/2021.
(c) Bank signatures
This was being sorted.
IRP Forms
Copies were distributed for members to consider.
8. Any other business
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 4th March, 2020.